Welfare Organistion for Rural Development – WORD TRUST

Since 1991, the NGO is serving the society in the sectors Youth development, Women and Children welfare in Trichirappalli and Thanjavur districts of Tamil Nadu.

About Us

Welfare Organisation for Rural Development – WORD TRUST

Since there was poverty and ignorance in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu, there was a need to take care of the helpless sector, hence this NGO was started

The WORD is a registered charitable organization and we are working in the field of youth, women and child development for past 26 years in Thiruverumbur and Manaparai block, Trichirappalli district and Budalur Block, Tanjure district, Tamil Nadu state, India. Our organization has formed more than 100 of youth and women groups among the rural youth, women and adolescents for promoting their empowerment on various skills.

Present and past Activities:

Ø  Formation and running for youth, women, adolescents and formers as a people’s movement.

Ø  Conducting Child Rights campaign through village wise for eradicate the child labour, child abuse and drop outs.   

Ø  Legal Aid training for women and youths.

Ø  STI/RTI and HIV/AIDS and breast feeding awareness activities for total population with the support of UNICEF Chennai.

Ø  Leadership training for Dalit women’s, supported by WDP-Germany.

Ø  RCH and TB awareness training for women’s and adolescents with support of TNVHA Chennai under the WHO project.

Ø  WORD (WOMEN) Ideal Program for Community Integrated Development (WIPCID) through micro credit and gearing income generation program, supported by ANANDA AALST – Belgium.

Our focus areas

An integrated approach to build a equitable and empowered society

Mission & Vision


The WORD Organization is committed to working for whole community see possibilities beyond what they need, experience every day and we work to give rural community the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. Through education, health, water, sanitation and sustainable economic development, we envision each human having access to equitable opportunity.


To improve the lives of community around the state through equity in terms of class, caste, gender and improved health assured safe water, sanitation and sustainable development.


Vermicompost Training

The Vermicompost Training aimed to educate participants on the sustainable practice of vermicomposting for organic waste management and soil enrichment. Organized in collaboration with agricultural experts, the training covered the biology of composting worms, setting up and maintaining a vermicompost system, and the benefits of vermicompost for improving soil health and crop yield. Participants engaged in hands-on activities, including creating their own vermicompost bins and learning troubleshooting techniques. The training was well-received, with attendees expressing increased confidence in implementing vermicomposting at home or on their farms. Future recommendations include providing follow-up support, expanding training sessions to more communities, and incorporating advanced topics such as scaling up production for commercial use.

Cattle Rearing

The workshop covered essential topics such as nutrition, breeding, disease prevention, and animal welfare. Participants learned about modern techniques in cattle housing, feed formulation, and health monitoring, alongside hands-on demonstrations in proper handling and care practices. The workshop successfully enhanced the participants' abilities to improve productivity and sustainability in cattle rearing, receiving positive feedback for its practical approach and expert guidance. Future recommendations include offering advanced training modules, establishing a support network for ongoing advice, and expanding outreach to more farming communities.

HIV/AIDS Awareness programme

The event successfully raised awareness and fostered a supportive environment, receiving positive feedback for its comprehensive approach and engaging format. Recommendations for future programs include expanding outreach efforts, involving more community leaders, and providing continuous education and support services to sustain the impact.


Construction of school toilet to St .Mary Primery school at Pathalapettai Trichy district this programe was supported by ANNANDA AALST - Belgium

Our Activities

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Health and Hygiene Awareness Programme for School Students

The Health and Hygiene Awareness Programme aimed to educate students about personal hygiene, healthy eating, and physical activity to promote well-being and prevent common health issues. he initiative successfully improved students' knowledge and habits regarding health and hygiene, as reflected in positive feedback and active participation. Recommendations for future programs include expanding topics, conducting regular sessions, involving parents, and engaging the community to further support students' well-being and create a healthier school environment.

Sakhi Program

This is a counselling program held for the men and women held in the NGO office


Human Rights Day and World Aids Day

The Human Rights and AIDS Day event focused on raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and its intersection with human rights. Organized in collaboration with health experts and human rights activists, the event included informative sessions on HIV prevention, treatment, and the importance of protecting the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. Activities featured expert talks, personal testimonies, workshops, and community outreach initiatives aimed at combating stigma and discrimination. The event successfully highlighted the critical need for equal rights and access to healthcare for all individuals, garnering positive feedback and active participation from attendees. Future recommendations include expanding outreach efforts, involving more community leaders, and providing ongoing support and education to sustain the impact.

Our Impact

It is the small change that makes the biggest impact.


Board Members


Managing Director


Financial Trustee





A.Dharani Priya


Advisory Panel



S.Samual Cristdas


S.Martein B.Com B.L






Team Members

1 P.Joshphin Merry








6 A.Shathiskumar


7 S.Balamurugan





Statutory Details

Welfare Organistion for Rural Development – WORD TRUST is a registered organization with following certifications

  • CSR - 1

Make a generous donation to help us reach more beneficiaries.

Account Number: 40102439364

Bank: STATE BANK OF INDIA FCRA Cell, 4th Floor,

Branch: FCRA Cell, 4th Floor,

IFSC Code: SBIN0000691

All donations are eligible for tax savings under 80G.


Volunteer with us for making a difference in somebody's life and also it is a good opportunity for you to give back to the society. For more information, mail us at wordtrust91@gmail.com

Get in touch

Mailing Address

No.2/45, Tondamanpatti, R.S, Ayyampatti Post, Trichirappalli - 620015, Tamil Nadu State, India

Email Address


Phone Number


Tondamanpatti, R.S, Ayyampatti Post, Trichirappalli - 620015